Credit Me and Credit U



1. What is the difference between Credit Me and Credit U?

If you are a Digicel prepaid customer, you can use Credit Me to request credit from another Digicel prepaid or postpaid customer. 

If you are a Digicel prepaid or postpaid customer, you can use Credit U to transfer credit to Digicel prepaid customers.


2. Are Credit Me and Credit U separate services?

Yes. And each they can be used independently. 

A Credit Me is sent by prepaid customers wishing to receive funds (i.e. requesting funds). 

The recipient of the Credit Me is not obligated to respond by sending a Credit U. 

They may use any other available top up method to honour the request – e.g. Top U Up. 

Postpaid customers cannot send a Credit Me. 


3. If a Credit Me was not sent can I still receive a Credit U?

Yes. You can receive a Credit U from someone though a Credit Me was not sent. 

Remember Credit Me and Credit U are independent services.


4. Am I required to transfer funds according to the existing voucher denominations that are currently available?

No. You can request and receive ANY variable amount between TTD 5.00 and TTD 500.00.


5. What amounts (voucher denominations) can I request using the Credit Me?

You are not required to request or transfer credit according to the voucher denominations that are currently available.

You can request and receive any variable amount greater than or equal to TTD 5.00 and equal to our less than TTD 500.00


John would like to request TTD 150.00 from Sue (381-7865).

John will send “*127*18683817865*150#” to request TTD 150.00 from Sue.


6. Is there a maximum amount of funds that can be requested by a Credit Me transaction?

Yes. The maximum amount of top up credit a you can request is TTD 500.00 


7. Is there a limit to the number of Credit Me requests I can send in a day?

Yes. You have a maximum of 10 Credit Me requests per day. If you attempt to exceed this amount you would get the following error message: 

“You have exceeded your maximum request. Please try again tomorrow. Thank you”.


8. Can I request or transfer non-whole dollars?

No. You cannot include decimal points in a Credit Me or Credit U message. Amounts requested and transferred must be in whole dollars. 


9. Are there any criteria that I need to meet to send a Credit Me?

Yes. Only prepaid customers, with balances less than TTD 10.00, and or with expired airtime or service dates are allowed to send Credit Me requests.


10. Is there a service fee or any other charge for sending a Credit Me?

No. There would be no cost attached to send a Credit Me.


11. Am I required to register or be provisioned for the service?

All prepaid customers will be automatically provisioned to send Credit Me requests.

Individual Postpaid customers will be blacklisted (i.e. restricted) from using the Credit Me service.


12. How do I send a Credit Me message?

The Credit Me message is sent by typing the following from a blank screen on the handset: *127*1868person’s number*amount requested#, SND.


Customer “A - requestor” (380-9999) wants to request $100 from Customer “B - sender” (380-0000). 

Customer “A” sends *127*18683800000*100# SND.


13. Will I receive a confirmation after I’ve sent a Credit Me message?

Yes, you will receive the following message: “Your request was sent, you have requested TTD Amount Requested from person’s number”. 

This allows you to check the number to which the Credit Me was sent. If there was an error, you can send another request IF you have not reached the limit of 10 requests for the day.


14. If I’ve sent a Credit Me message, what will the person receiving the Credit Me request get?

The person who you’ve sent the Credit Me request to will receive the following text message: 

“your number requests TTD amount requested. A service fee of TT0.45 will be taken from your account. Please type *128*your number*100# and press send to agree”.


15. Is it possible for me to receive less credit or more credit than I requested? 

Yes. Remember Credit Me and Credit U are independent services.


16. Will Credit Me work while roaming? 

Credit Me/Credit U are USSD based services. They will work once the roaming network/s support USSD services. 


17. Would I be able to send a Credit Me to any other customer while roaming using their USSD codes if they have the Credit Me service (i.e. customer is roaming in USA and is requesting Credit from another USA mobile)?

No. You are only allowed to send a Credit Me to Digicel Trinidad & Tobago subscribers. 


18. Will I be able to request funds from Digicel customers in other islands? 

You will only be able to request funds from other customers of the same island, irrespective of the location of the creditor and/or recipient EXCEPT the OECS islands (Anguilla, Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St. Kitts, St.Lucia & St. Vincent), that use the same currency.


19. Can I bar someone from sending me a Credit Me request?

No. As with Call Me, barring will not be available. 


20. Will Customer Care be able to bar persons who are abusing the service?

As with Call Me, barring will not be available. Extreme cases, that could be considered ‘abuse’, will be referred to the technicians that will take appropriate action.


21. Are customers’ balances accessible to creditors (either before or after a Credit Me request)?

No. Your privacy is observed at all times.


22. What will happen if I have more than $10 credit and request a Credit Me?

You will receive the following error message: “Sorry, your balance must be less than $10 to request funds.” You must have less than $10 on your account to request a Credit Me.


23. What happens if I don’t have adequate funds to complete the transfer?

You will receive an error message:

“Your attempt to transfer TTD xxx to 1868xxxxxxx has failed because you do not have enough credit. Please add credit to your account.”

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